Web Application for School Curriculum


Predmet ovog završnog rada je izrada web-aplikacije za izradu školskog kurikuluma. Glavni cilj mu je objediniti podatke sadržane u kurikulumu te ih učiniti dostupnim u bilo kojem trenutku. Aplikacija je realizirana kao Single Page Application koja dinamički dohvaća podatke čime rasterećuje server te podatke prikazuje brzo pomoću AJAX poziva i na korisniku intuitivan način pomoću Bootstrap i jQuery knjižnica. Za distribuciju i kontrolu verzije korišten je GitHub te je zakupljeno računalo s predinstaliranim Debian operacijskim sustavom za posluživanje aplikacije.The subject of this final thesis is the development of a web application for school curriculum. Its main goal is to unite data from the school curriculum and to make them available at any given moment. The application is a SPA that loads content fast and dynamically via AJAX calls which switches the workload from the server to the client, and presents the dana in a intuitive way which is done with Bootstrap and jQuery libraries. GitHub was chosen as the Version control system and a computer with pre-installed Debian operating system was acquired for the app's distribution

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