Xenoestrogens in aquatic ecosystems


Pravilan rad endokrinog sustava neophodan je za sklad i ravnotežu unutar svakog organizma. Danas, kao posljedica zagađenja, u vodenim ekosustavima postoji velik broj tvari koje imaju sposobnost uplitanja u pravilno funkcioniranje endokrinog sustava. Mnogo je potencijalnih izvora endokrinih modulatora, od raznih industrijskih postrojenja, preko poljoprivrede pa sve do nas samih. Smatra se da su među najvažnijima ksenoestrogeni, tvari sposobne za vezanje na estrogenski receptor zbog njegove slabe specifičnosti. Ksenoestrogeni uzrokuju niz deformacija organa reproduktivnog sustava, a time i smanjenje uspješnosti oplodnje i preživljavanje potomaka u mnogih životinjskih vrsta čije je stanište kontaminirano. I sam čovjek izložen je tim tvarima, direktno, koristeći kontaminiranu vodu, ili indirektno kao dio hranidbenog lanca.Proper function of endocrine system is essential for inner harmony and balance of every organism. As an outcome of environmental pollution, there is a huge amount of substances in aquatic ecosystems, which are capable of interfering in function of endocrine system. There are many potential sources of endocrine modulators, industry, agriculture and even ourselves. The most significant endocrine modulators are considered to be xenoestrogens, substances capable of binding to estrogen receptor because of its low specificity. Xenoestrogens cause number of reproductive organ deformations which lead to decrease in fertility success and offspring viability of many animal species inhabitating contaminated theritory. Even human population is exposed to those substances, either directly by using contaminated water or indirectly as a member of a food chain

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