Data from: Conflicting selection on floral scent emission in the orchid Gymnadenia conopsea


• Floral scent is a crucial trait for pollinator attraction. Yet, only a handful of studies have estimated selection on scent in natural populations and no study has quantified the relative importance of pollinators versus other agents of selection.• In the fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsea s.s., we used electroantennographic data to identify floral scent compounds detected by local pollinators and quantified pollinator-mediated selection on emission rates of ten target compounds as well as on flowering start, visual display and spur length.• Nocturnal pollinators contributed more to reproductive success than diurnal pollinators, but there was significant pollinator-mediated selection on both diurnal and nocturnal scent emission. Pollinators selected for increased emission of two compounds and reduced emission of two other compounds, of which none were major constituents of the total bouquet. In three cases, pollinator-mediated selection was opposed by non-pollinator-mediated selection, leading to weaker or non-detected net selection.• Our study demonstrates that minor scent compounds can be targets of selection, that pollinators do not necessarily favour strong scent signalling, and that some scent compounds are subject to conflicting selection from pollinators and other agents of selection. Hence, including floral scent traits into selection analysis is important for understanding the mechanisms behind floral evolution

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