
Volume 2, Issue 1 Winter 2015Volumn 2, Issue 1 of the Journal of Teaching Effectiveness and student AcievementAngelo State University College of EducationInvestigating a Model of Mentoring for Effective Teaching Dr. Lori Bird and Dr. Peter Hudson…….p11 Early Career Teacher Attrition: Searching for Answers in Preservice Preparation Dr. Gloria Graham Flynn………p22 A Perceptual Assessment of Non-Traditional STEM Teacher Candidates: A University Partnership for Transition to Teaching Dr. Gail Hughes, Dr. Alicia Cotabish, Dr. Carolyn Williams, and Dr. Donna Wake…..p32 Baby It’s Cold Outside: Perspectives on Teacher Retention and Student Achievement in Artic Schools Dr. Ute Kaden………p45 Transformations to Serve English Learners: A Call for Innovative Partnerships in Educator Preparation Dr. Joan Lachance………p56 Successes and Struggles of Teaching: Perspectives of Beginning, Mid-Career, and Veteran Teachers Dr. Alyson Lavigne and Dr. Amanda Bozack………p68 Teacher Inquiry: A Foundation for Mentoring Teachers During Induction and Throughout Their Career Dr. Michele Marable, Dr. Kristin Kurtsworth--‐Keen, Dr. Kelly Harper, and Dr. Karen Dutt-Doner…….p81 Perceptions of Transformational Leadership Behavior by Secondary Principals and Teachers in Diverse and Non-Diverse Schools Dr. Fernando Valle and Dr. Gionet Cooper…..p9

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