


Singgih Fitriyanto. ANALISIS PRODUK SPION PS 135 DENGAN PENGATURAN PARAMETER INJECTION TIME MATERIAL PLASTIK POLYPROPYLENE (PP) PADA PROSES INJECTION MOLDING (Studi Kasus PT. Sinar Agung Selalu Sukses Karanganyar Jawa Tengah). Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Juli 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh parameter injection time terhadap kualitas produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135 hasil injection molding, (2) parameter injection time yang menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas terbaik pada proses injection molding pada produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135 dengan plastik Polypropylene (PP) menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor 2013, (3) kesesuaian antara simulasi pada software Autodesk Inventor dengan aplikasi produksi di industri pada proses injection molding produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135 dengan material plastik Polypropylene (PP). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis kualitas produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135 hasil injection molding. Analisis produk dilakukan dengan simulasi menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor 2013. Parameter kerja injection molding yang digunakan adalah mold temperature 50°C, melt temperature 230ºC, maximum machine injection pressure 85 MPa, clamp open machine time 7 s, dengan memvariasikan parameter injection time yaitu 0,5s; 1 s; 1,5 s; 2 s; 2,5 s; 3 s; 3,5 s; 4 s; 4,5 s; 5 s; 5,5 s; 6 s; 6,5 s; 7 s; 7,5 s; 8 s; 8,5 s; 9 s; 9,5 s; 10 s. Penelitian ini menggunakan material plastik Polypropylene (PP) hitam 100% jenis Globalene 7533 produksi Taiwan PP. Mesin injection molding yang digunakan adalah mesin Haitian HTF 160X. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif. Data dan analisis hasil penelitian menunjukkan parameter injection time mempengaruhi total part weight, quality prediction, actual injection pressure, cacat sink mark produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135. Peningkatan injection time menyebabkan peningkatan total part weight. Analisis secara visual terhadap produk hasil eksekusi di mesin injection molding, simulasi produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135 menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor 2013 memiliki kesesuaian dengan hasil eksekusi menggunakan mesin injection molding di PT. Sinar Agung Selalu Sukses Karanganyar. Hasil penelitian ini adalah parameter injection time mempengaruhi kualitas produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135 pada proses injection molding. Hasil simulasi dengan software Autodesk Inventor menunjukkan bahwa parameter injection time terbaik untuk produk spion truk Mitsubishi PS 135 adalah pada rentang 2,5s ⁄ 6,5s. Hasil produk dari eksekusi menggunakan mesin injection molding di industri menunjukkan bahwa software Autodesk Inventor 2013 dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk menentukan parameter kerja sebelum melakukan proses injeksi di mesin injection molding untuk memaksimalkan kualitas produk injection molding. Kata kunci: injection molding, injection time, Autodesk Inventor, polypropylene Singgih Fitriyanto. ANALYSIS OF REARVIEW MIRROR CASE PRODUCT OF PS135 BY THE REGULATION OF INJECTION TIME PARAMETER OF THE POLYPROPYLENE (PP) PLASTIC MATERIAL ON INJECTION MOLDING PROCESS (A Case Study at the Limited Liability Company of PT.Sinar Agung Selalu Sukses Karanganyar, Central Java). Skripsi: The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, July 2013. The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the effect of injection time parameter on the quality of the rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135 resulting from injection molding; (2) the injection time parameter generating the best rearview mirror case product on injection molding process of the rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135 with Polypropylene (PP) plastic by using the software of Autodesk Inventor 2013; and (3) the correspondence between the simulation of the software of Autodesk Inventor and the production application in industry on injection molding process of the rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135 with Polypropylene (PP) plastic. This research was conducted by analyzing the quality of the rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135 resulting from injection molding. The analysis was done with the aid of the software of Autodesk Inventor 2013. The work parameters of the injection molding applied were the molding temperature of 50oC, the melt temperature of 230oC, the maximum machine injection pressure of 85MPa, and the clam open machine time of 7s with the injection time parameter variations of 0,5s; 1s; 1,5s; 2s; 2,5s; 3s; 3,5s; 4s; 4,5; 5s; 5,5s; 6s; 6,5s; 7s; 7,5s; 8s; 8,5s; 9s; 9,5s; and 10s. This research used the 100% black color Polypropylene (PP) plastic material of with the type of Globalene 7533 produced by Taiwan PP. the injection molding machine used was Haitan HTF 160X. The data of the research were analyzed by using the descriptive technique of analysis. The result of the analysis shows that the injection time parameter influences the total part weight, quality prediction, actual injection pressure, and sink mark defect of the rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135. The increase in injection time causes the increase in the total part weight. The visual analysis on the rearview mirror case product resulting from the execution of the injection molding machine shows that the simulated rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135 by using the software of Autodesk Inventor 2013 has a correspondence with the rearview mirror case product resulting from the execution of the injection molding machine at the limited liability company of PT. Sinar Agung Selalu Sukses, Karanganyar. The result of the research shows that the injection time parameter influences the quality of the rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135 on injection molding process. The result of simulation with the software of Autodesk Inventor shows that the best injection time for the rearview mirror case product of Mitsubishi truck PS135 is at the range of 2,5s s/d 6,5s. The rearview mirror case product resulting from the execution the injection molding machine in industry shows that the software of Autodesk Inventor 2013 can be used as a reference to determine the work parameter prior to the injection process by using the injection molding machine as to maximize the quality of the rearview mirror case product resulting from the injection molding process. Keywords: Injection molding, injection time, Autodesk Inventor, and Polypropylene

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