Representations of certain irrational W-algebras


U disertaciji proučavamo neke iracionalne W\mathcal{W}-algebre i njihove reprezentacije. Glavni primjer koji istražujemo je prosta Bershadsky-Polyakov verteks algebra Wk(=Wk(sl3,fθ))\mathcal{W}_k(=\mathcal{W}_k(sl_3, f_\theta)), tj. minimalna afina W\mathcal{W}-algebra pridružena sl3sl_3. T. Arakawa je dokazao u članku [9] da je Wk\mathcal{W}_k racionalna ako je kk polucijeli broj veći od 3/2-3/2. Mi proučavamo slučajeve kad je Wk\mathcal{W}_k iracionalna, te klasificiramo Wk\mathcal{W}_k-module za neke kk. Klasifikacija ireducibilnih modula koristi Zhuovu teoriju i formule za singularne vektore. Istaknimo da je Zhuova algebra realizirana kao kvocijent Smithove algebre iz [44]. Klasifikacija ireducibilnih jakih modula za algebru Wk\mathcal{W}_k (tj. modula s konačno-dimenzionalnim težinskim potprostorima za operator L(0)L(0)) je zato povezana s klasifikacijom konačno-dimenzionalnih reprezentacija Smithove algebre. U slučaju k=5/3k=-5/3 pokazujemo da je Wk\mathcal{W}_k realizirana kao verteks podalgebra Weylove verteks algebre. Dokazujemo da tada Wk\mathcal{W}_k ima točno 6 ireducibilnih jakih modula. U slučaju k=9/4k=-9/4, Wk\mathcal{W}_k je važan primjer logaritamske verteks algebre. Klasificiramo jake Wk\mathcal{W}_k module za k=9/4k=-9/4 i dokazujemo da Wk\mathcal{W}_k ima točno 3 ireducibilna jaka modula. Da bi pokazali da je Wk\mathcal{W}_k iracionalna, konstruiramo neprebrojivu familiju težinskih modula za Wk\mathcal{W}_k izvan kategorije O\mathcal{O}. Konstruiramo familiju singularnih vektora koja generalizira Arakawine formule za singularne vektore za kk polucijeli broj iz [9]. U slučajevima k=1k=-1 i k=0k=0 klasificiramo sve module u kategoriji O\mathcal{O}. U slučaju k=0k=0, dajemo eksplicitnu realizaciju verteks algebre Wk\mathcal{W}_k i njenih modula kao određene iracionalne podalgebre verteks algebri pridruženih rešetkama. Također proučavamo algebru Wk\mathcal{W}_k u slučaju kad je kk cijeli broj veći od -1.In this thesis we study certain irrational W\mathcal{W}-algebras and their representations. Main example that we investigate is the simple Bershadsky-Polyakov vertex algebra Wk(=Wk(sl3,fθ))\mathcal{W}_k(=\mathcal{W}_k(sl_3, f_\theta)), i.e. the minimal affine W\mathcal{W}-algebra associated to sl3sl_3. T. Arakawa proved in [9] that Wk\mathcal{W}_k is rational if kk is a half integer greater that 3/2-3/2. We study cases where Wk\mathcal{W}_k is irrational, and classify Wk\mathcal{W}_k-modules for certain kk. Main tools that we use to classify irreducible modules are Zhu's theory and formulas for singular vectors. Zhu algebra is realized as a quotient of the Smith algebra from [44]. Classification of irreducible strong modules for Wk\mathcal{W}_k (i.e. modules with finite dimensional weight subspaces for the the operator L(0)L(0)) is hence connected to the classification of finite dimensional representations of the Smith algebra. In the case k=5/3k=-5/3, we show that Wk\mathcal{W}_k is realized as a vertex subalgebra of the Weyl vertex algebra. We prove that in this case Wk\mathcal{W}_k has exactly 6 irreducible strong modules. In the case k=9/4k=-9/4 , Wk\mathcal{W}_k is an important example of a logarithmic vertex algebra. We classify strong Wk\mathcal{W}_k-modules for k=9/4k=-9/4 and prove that Wk\mathcal{W}_k has exactly 3 irreducible strong modules. In order to show that Wk\mathcal{W}_k is irrational, we construct an uncountable family of weight modules for Wk\mathcal{W}_k outside of category O\mathcal{O}. We construct a family of singular vectors which generalizes Arakawa’s formulas for singular vectors for kk half integer from [9]. For k=1k=-1 and k=0k=0 we classify all modules in the category O\mathcal{O}. In the case k=0k=0, we give an explicit realization of the vertex algebra Wk\mathcal{W}_k and its modules as certain irrational subalgebras of lattice VOAs. We also study the algebra Wk\mathcal{W}_k when kk is an integer greater than -1

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