Calculation of Vessel Hull Resistance


Brodski motor glavni je pokretač broda kao jedinstvene cjeline u svrhu njegovog optimalnog i učinkovitog rada. Sile koje se suprotstavljaju njegovom kretanju nazivaju se hidrodinamičke i aerodinamičke sile, koje zajedno predstavljaju otpor borda. U ovom radu one su razložene i prikazane kako utječu na modele u idealnim uvjetima. Modeli su izrađeni od parafina a površina je tehnički obrađena tako da je vanjski sloj u potpunosti gladak. Ispitivanje je vršeno u bazenu u Brodarskom institutu u Zgrebu. Nakon odrađenih simulacija dati su savjeti vezani za poboljšanje brodskog motora uzimajući u obzir sile otpora kako bi u stvarnim uvjetima bila povećana brodska učinkovitost.The vessel engine is the main driver of the vessel as a unique unit for its optimum and efficient operation. The forces that oppose its movement are called hydrodynamic and aerodynamic forces, which together represent the hull resistance. In this paper they are explained and shown how they affecting on models in ideal conditions. The models are made of paraffin and the surface is technically processed so that the outer layer is completely slick. The examination was done in the pool at the vessel's institute in Zagreb. After the simulations have been made, the tips for improvement are given to the vessel's engine taking into account the force of resistance to increase the vessel 's efficiency in real terms

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