Nurses' role in patient triage in the United emergency admission unit at the Zadar general hospital


Trijažu mogu raditi svi zdravstveni djelatnici na hitnom prijemu koji su položili tečaj trijaže. Primarni cilj trijaže je brza identifikacija bolesnika u stanju neposredne životne ugroženosti. Medicinska sestra mora znati odrediti u koju trijažnu kategoriju će smjestiti pacijenta. Njezina komunikacija s pacijentom i obitelji/ pratnjom bitna je za daljnju suradnju. Zbog toga medicinska sestra na trijaži ne smije imati poteškoće s komunikacijom i mora biti dovoljno educirana kako bi prepoznala pacijentove tegobe. Cilj rada: Prikazati važnost uloge medicinske sestre pri trijaži pacijenata na Objedinjenom hitnom bolničkom prijemu, na osnovi dobivenih rezultata iz 2017. godine. Materijali i metode: Prikupljanje i obrada podataka o prijemu pacijenata ispunjavanjem obrasca za trijažu elektronskim putem, te liječnička dokumentacija ispunjena također elektronskim putem. Korišteni su ovi kriteriji: broj pacijenata prema trijažnim kategorijama, sveukupni broj trijažiranih pacijenata tijekom 2017. godine, prosječno vrijeme čekanja na početak pregleda liječnika (min), prosječno ukupno vrijeme boravka u hitnom prijemu (min) i učinkovitost. Ispitanici su pacijenti zaprimljeni na OHBP Zadar tijekom 2017. godine, neovisno o dobi, spolu i dijagnozi po prijemu. Zaključak: Zbog povećanja broja pacijenata, zahtjeva i složenosti medicinske skrbi, odjeli hitne medicine suočeni su s problemom preopterećenosti i slabijom učinkovitošću rada. Trijažna medicinska sestra/ tehničar je prva osoba koju bolesnik susreće pri dolasku u OHBP. Njezina profesionalnost, kvalitetna educiranost i široki spektar poznavanja bolesnikovih tegoba od izuzetne je važnosti za ispravno i kvalitetno obavljanje trijaže u odjelima hitne medicine.Triage can be done by all health workers at the emergency who passed the course in triage. The primary goal of triage is fast identification of a patient in a state of immediate life threat. A nurse has to be able to decide in which triage category she will put the patient. Her communication with a patient and his family /accompaniment is important for further cooperation. Due to that, a nurse in triage must not have difficulties in communication and has to be educated enough to recognize patient´s ailments. The goal of graduate thesis: To demonstrate the importance of the nurse´s role in patient triage in the United emergency admission unit, based on the results from 2017. Materials and methods: Collection and processing of data on reception of patients by filling the form for triage electronically, as well as medical documentation filled electronically. The above criteria were used: number of patients according to the categories of triage, total number of triage patients during 2017., average waiting time for the beginning of doctor's examination (min), average total duration of stay in the emergency admission unit (min) and its effectiveness. The respondents are the patients who were received in the United emergency admission unit Zadar during 2017., independent of age, sex and diagnosis on reception. Conclusion: Due to the increase of the number of the patients, demands and complexity of medical care , emergency departments are faced with the problem of overwork and poor efficiency of work itself. A triage nurse/technician is the first person that a patient meets when coming to the United emergency admission unit. Her professionalism, quality education and wide spectrum of knowledge for the patient's ailments is extremely important for correct and quality triage performance in the emergency department

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