Djeca s ADHD-om u primarnom obrazovanju


Deficit pozornosti s hiperaktivnošću - ADHD (eng. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) jedan je od najčešćih neurorazvojnih poremećaja dječje i adolescentne dobi. Glavni simptomi koji upućuju na ADHD su djetetova hiperaktivnost, impulzivnost i nedostatak pozornosti. Procjene o učestalosti su različite, kreću se od 2% do 7% kod školske djece: četiri do pet puta češće se javlja kod dječaka. Kod dječaka je prisutna hiperaktivnost i impulzivnost, dok djevojčice imaju više teškoća u održavanju pozornosti. Zbog toga se teškoće djevojčica kasnije prepoznaju, a to im uskraćuje pravodobni tretman. Razmišljanja o deficitu pažnje/hiperaktivnom poremećaju tijekom povijesnog razvoja ovisila su o dominantnim znanstvenim pravcima doba u kojem se problem procjenjivao. Kao najčešći uzroci navode se: oštećenje mozga kao posljedica različitih uzroka, socijalno nepovoljni razvojni uvjeti, emocionalni problemi djeteta i nasljeđe. Osnovne karakteristike djece koja imaju dijagnosticiran ADHD su nemir, potreba za aktivnošću i pokretom. U školi se djeca s ADHD-om razlikuju od druge djece (okreću se, ustaju, zadirkuju drugu djecu, nisu koncentrirani na rad, druge stvari im oduzimaju koncentraciju - pernica, pad gumice i sl.). Cilj ovog rada je opisati navedeni poremećaj te istaknuti važnost razumijevanja i prihvaćanja djece koja ga imaju. Značajnu ulogu u prihvaćanju takve djece u školi imaju učitelji te se naglašava važnost njihovih kompetencija za rad s ovom iznimno osjetljivom društvenom populacijom.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common non-disturbance disorders of children and adolescents. The main symptoms pointing to ADHD are childhood hyperactivity, impulsiveness and lack of attention. Frequency estimates are different, ranging from 2% to 7% in school children four to five times more often in boys. In boys there is hyperactivity and impulsivity, while girls have more difficulty in maintaining attention. Therefore, the difficulties of a girl later identified, and that they denied the timely treatment. Thoughts about the deficit of attention/hyperactive disorder during historical development depended on the dominant scientific directions of the age in which it is estimating the problem. As the most common causes are mentioned: brain damage as a result of the different causes of the unfavourable conditions of development, social, emotional problems of children and inheritance. The basic characteristics of children who have been diagnosed with ADHD are restlessness, the need for activity and movement. ADHD children differ from other children in the school (they turn around, get up, they tease other children, not concentrate on work, other things take them away from the concentration - dangers, drops of gums etc.). The aim of this paper is to describe the above disorders and highlight the importance of understanding and acceptance of children who have it. The main role in the acceptance of thoose kids in the school have teachers and stresses the importance of their competencies for working with this highly sensitive social population

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