Compositional changes of volatile and phenolic compounds during processing of virgin olive oils of Buža, Istarska bjelica and Leccino variety


Hlapljive i fenolne tvari odgovorne su za senzorska i prehrambena svojstva djevičanskih maslinovih ulja. Određeni postupci u proizvodnji mogu dovesti do promjena sastava ovih tvari. Istražen je utjecaj miješanja plodova različitih hrvatskih sorti u preradi i dodatka pomoćnih tvari u proizvodnji sortnih ulja Buže, Istarske bjelice i Leccina na sastav fenolnih i hlapljivih tvari. Ispitan je utjecaj fenolnih tvari iz ploda maslina tijekom miješenja maslinovog tijesta na konačne produkte lipoksigenaznog puta i fenolne tvari ulja Buže.Organoleptic and nutritive properties of virgin olive oils are related to volatile and phenolic compounds. Specific treatments during processing could affect volatile and phenolic profiles. The influence of mixing fruits of different Croatian varieties and addition of technological coadjuvants in processing of monovarietal oils of Buža, Istarska bjelica and Leccino on the phenolic and volatile composition. The effect of phenols from olive drupes during the olive paste malaxation on the final products of lipoxygenase pathway and the phenolic composition of Buža oil was also investigated

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