Analysis of project elements for log houses construction in Norht America region


U ovome radu opisuje se izgradnja kuća kroz povijest te njen napredak, korištenje razliĉitih materijala te naĉina izgradnje kuća koje su naposlijetku dovele do izgradnje kuće od trupaca. Istraţeno je trţište izgradnje te kupovine kuća prije i nakon recesije te mogućnosti ljudi da uopće izgrade kuću (zaposlenost, prihodi, krediti, dugovi, obrazovanje). Projekt izgradnje kuće od trupaca prikazuje vremenski period te koštanje izgradnje kuće od trupaca obzirom na ţelje i mogućnosti investitora. Projektom je istraţeno što je sve neophodno napraviti prije same izgradnje kuće; prikupljanje potrebne dokumentacije, kupnja ili posjedovanje zemljišta, angaţiranje arhitekta te graĊevinske firme. Kroz projekt su prikazana i financiranja pojedinih aktivnosti te tko ih obavlja. Na kraju ono što se moţe zakljuĉiti je to da se provedbom ovakvoga projekta moţe unaprijed vidjeti tijek te koštanje samog projekta, što investitoru daje bolji uvid u ono što ţeli i moţe, a takoĊer i bolju organizaciju svih ljudi koji su ukljuĉeni u njega (arhitekt, izvoĊaĉi radova).This paper describes the construction of houses throughout history and its progress, the use of different materials and ways of building houses that eventually led to the construction of the house of logs. It is researched the market of building and buying houses before and after the recession and the possibility of people to build a house at all (employment, income, loans, debt, education). The project of building a house of logs shows the length of time and cost of building a house of logs due to the desires and possibilities of investors. Through the project it is researched all necessary to make prior to construction of the house; collecting the necessary documentation, purchase or possession of land, hiring an architect and construction company. In the project are also shown the financing of certain activities and who performs them. In the end, what we can conclude is that the implementation of such a project can advance to see the course and the cost of the project, which gives investors a better idea of what he wants and can, as well as better organization of all the people involved in it (architect, contractors)

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