Absorption cooling devices using LiBr and H2O as working media


U radu je prikazan povijesni razvoj apsorpcijskih rashladnih uređaja, od prvih eksperimenata u kojima je uočeno da neke kapljevine imaju sposobnost apsorpcije vodene pare i ostalih plinova pa sve do uređaja koji su doživjeli masovnu proizvodnju i postali temeljem za moderne apsorpcijske rashladne sustave. U teorijskom dijelu opisan je apsorpcijski rashladni proces te je dan proračun realnog apsorpcijskog rashladnog uređaja. Cilj rada bio je ispitati primjenjivost teorijskog modela za izračun termodinamičkih parametara binarne smjese LiBr/H2O uz konstantne koeficijente koje su predložili znanstvenici Dong – Seon Kim i Infante Ferreira. Izračunati parametri korišteni su za proračun apsorpcijskog rashladnog procesa u uvjetima rada solarnog rashladnog postrojenja namijenjenog hlađenju poslovne zgrade Vodovoda Dubrovnik. Putem sustava za daljinsko mjerenje tehničkih parametara instaliranog solarnog postrojenja prikupljeni su eksperimentalni podaci koji su zatim uspoređeni s računski dobivenim podacima na temelju čega je potvrđeno da model zadovoljavajuće opisuje realni sustav uz mala odstupanja koja su rezultat pretpostavke idealnog prijenosa topline.This paper contains a historical review of absorption cooling devices, starting from the first experiments revealing that some liquids are capable to absorb aqueous vapour and some other gases all through the mass producted devices that have become forerunners of many modern absorption systems. The paper also contains a theoretical review of absorption cooling process and a calculation of real absorption cooling device. The aim of this study was to test the theoretical model by calculating thermodynamic properties of binary mixture LiBr/H2O using the constant coefficients given by scientists Dong – Seon Kim and Infante Ferreira. Model based parameters were used for calculation of absorption cooling process in working conditions of the solar cooling plant which is installed for cooling of the business building of 'Vodovod Dubrovnik'. The technical parameters of solar cooling plant were collected by using the long distance measurement system. The experimental data was then compared to the data which was calculated using the model and the comparison has confirmed that the theoretical model can be applied in this case taking into account slight deviations which are result of ideal heat transfer assumption

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