Non-narative functions of the body in the Greek Weird Wave movies


Oslanjajući se na Bordwellov opis nenarativnih elemenata u art filmovima, Deleuzeov koncept filma tijela te Brechtov efekt očuđenja (Verfremdungseffekt), ovaj rad analizira začudnu izvedbu glumačkih tijela u art filmovima takozvanog grčkog čudnog vala, propitujući funkciju takvih izvedbi kao onih koje potiču kritički stav prema sadržajima kojima je gledateljica izložena.Relying on Bordwell ’s description of non-narrative elements in art films, Deleuze’s concept of the cinema of the body, as well as Brecht’s Verfremdungseffekt, this work analyses peculiar acting body performances in the movies of the so-called Greek Weird Wave. The work questions the function of such body performances, discussing their role in provoking a critical attitude of the viewer towards the content to which she is exposed

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