Qualitative and quantitative research on melanomacrophage centers in fish liver tissue


Makrofagni centri u jetri riba bitan su marker zdravstvenog stanja jedinke te se kao takvi mogu koristiti kao bioindikatori stresa i djelovanja raznih egzogenih tvari na ribe. Zbog relativno jednostavne morfologije tkiva jetre, koja olakšava uočavanje ove vrste degenerativnih promjena tkiva pod svjetlosnim mikroskopom, popularna su tema istraživanja u histopatologiji. Iako su postupci za kvantitativnu i kvalitativnu analizu već uhodani i standardizirani, istraživači su se kroz protekla dva desetljeća osvijestili značajnosti koraka uzorkovanja i poznavanja same biologije istraživane vrste, što oboje značajno utječe na brojnost makrofagnih centara u jetri ribe. U ovom radu pružen je uvid u strukturu i porijeklo makrofagnih centara, moguće uzroke njihovog nastanka i metodologiju rada koja se obično primjenjuje prilikom istraživanja istih.Melanomacrophage centers in the liver of fish are an important marker of health status of individuals and as such can be used as bioindicators of stress and the effects of various exogenous substances on fish. Because of the relatively simple morphology of liver tissue, which facilitates the observation of different types of degenerative changes in it, it is a popular topics of research in histopathology. However, although the procedures for the quantitative and qualitative analysis, is both well known and standardized, the researchers through the last two decades, became more aware of the significance of the sampling step and knowledge about the biology and ecology of the species studied. This is because many natural factors significantly affects the abundance of melanomacrophage centers in the liver of fish. In this review, a brief overview to the structure and origin of melanomacrophage centers is presented, as well as the possible causes of their origin and methodology that is commonly used to explore them

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