Testing of electrochemical supercapacitors


U ovom radu provedeno je testiranje superkondenzatora proizvođača Bussman By Eaton, nazivnog napona od 2,5 V i kapaciteta 6 F. Testiranje je provedeno metodom punjenja i pražnjenja konstantnom strujom. Korištene su struje od 10, 20, 50 i 100 mA. Iz dobivenih rezultata koji su prikazani kao ovisnosti napona o vremenu punjenja ili pražnjenja izračunati su kapacitet kondenzatora u ovisnosti o naponu, energija, snaga te energetska učinkovitost. Rezultati pokazuju da kapacitet superkondenzatora ovisi o naponu, ali i o struji punjenja i pražnjenja. Ispitivanjem stabilnosti superkondenzatora njegovim punjenjem i pražnjenjem kroz 2000 sukcesivna ciklusa nađeno je da kapacitet superkondenzatora naglo pada u prvih 500 ciklusa nakon čega se stabilizira i poprima konstantnu vrijednost neovisnu o broju ciklusa. Provedeno je također i testiranje individualnih elektroda superkondenzatora metodom cikličke voltametrije i nađeno je da nema značajne razlike u elektrokemijskom ponašanju pozitivne i negativne elektrode.In this work the testing of supercapacitor Bussman By Eaton with nominal voltage of 2,5 V and capacitance of 6 F was carried out by constant current charging/discharging method. The currents of 10, 20, 50 and 100 mA were used. The obtained results were graphed as the dependence of voltage on time of charge/discharge and the capacitance, energy, power and energy efficiency were determined. The results showed that capacitance depended on the voltage and discharge/charge current. The stability of supercapacitor was investigated by successively charging/discharging it over 2000 cycles. It was found that the capacitance of supercapacitor rapidly deteriorated in the first 500 cycles after which it assumed constant value. Testing of individual supercapacitor electrodes by cyclic voltammetry was also carried out and it was found that there was no significant different in the electrochemical behaviour of positive and negative electrodes

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