Use of military obstacle course „TYPE A“ in condition preparation of handball players


Cilj je ovog rada prikazati vojni poligon kao sredstvo trenaţnog procesa te obraditi njegovu svrhu različitim oblicima primjene, bilo sportskog treninga, nastavnog procesa ili pripremanja vojnika za borbene zadaće. Ovaj tip poligona standardizirana je sportska aktivnost unutar vojnog petoboja, shodno tome cilj je upoznati čitatelja s MeĎunarodnom vojnom organizacijom koja je osmislila vojni petoboj i poligon kao takav te koja organizira sportska vojna natjecanja na svim razinama. Rad ulazi u strukturu rukometa kao igre te različitih faza kondicijske pripreme sportaša. Poligonom su objašnjene redoslijedom sve prepreke te motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti koje se njime razvijaju.The goal of this thesis is to demonstrate military obstacle course as an element of a training process and to elaborate its purpose through different types of use, either if it means in sport training, teaching process or preparing soldiers for combat tasks. This type of polygon as standardized sport activity is part of military pentathlon, therefore my intention is to introduce reader to International military organization which has established military pentathlon and military obstacle course as they are today, and whose main purpose is to organize military sports competitions on all levels. The main goal of this thesis is to elaborate the structure of handball game as it is and different phases of physical preparation of athletes. The polygon is described by its obstacle order as it is described by motor and functional skills which are developed by obstacle course

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