
Ortodontski pomak zuba prvenstveno je fenomen parodontnog ligamenta. U normalnim uvjetima postoji fiziološka pregradnja, a zaštitini mehanizmi štite PDL od oštećenja. Kao odgovor na dugotrajnu ortodontsku silu u PDL-u se stvaraju signalne molekule i spojevi koji prenose informaciju za diferencijaciju stanica. Stanice koje se diferenciraju i migriraju tijekom pomak razlikuju se s obzirom nalaze li se u području pritiska ili rastezanja. Teorije koje opisuju pomak zuba u obzir nastoje uzeti kemijske, mehaničke i električne pojave koje se mogu tijekom pomaka uočiti. Pomak zuba ovisi o načinu primjene sile i intenzitetu. Može biti brži ili sporiji, ovisno o ritmici djelovanja sile. Također ovisi o jačini. Slaba sila je povoljnija zbog manjeg oštećenja tkiva i veće brzine pomaka. Pomak se može modificirati i korištenjem lijekova. Neki lijekovi ubrzavaju pomak, najčešće stimulacijom osteoklasta, dok drugi inhibiraju njihovo djelovanje.Orthodontic tooth movement is primarily a phenomenon of the periodontal ligament. Under normal circumstances a physiological remodeling occurs, while protection mechanisms protect the PDL against damage. In response to the long lasting orthodontic force, signaling molecules and compounds are generated in the PDL that transmit information for cell differentiation. The cells that differentiate and migrate during a movement vary based on whether they are located in the area of pressing or stretching. Theories that describe tooth movement try to take into account chemical, mechanical and electrical occurrences that are can be detected during a movement. The movement of a tooth depends on the method of application of force and its intensity. It may be faster or slower depending on force rhythmic. It is also connected to strength. A weak force is more favorable due to lesser tissue damage and higher tooth movement speeds. The movement may also be modified by the use of medication. Some drugs accelerate the movement, usually by stimulating osteoclast, while others inhibit its effect

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