Influence of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on color parameters of apple juice


Svrha ovog rada bila je detaljno pretražiti literaturu o utjecaju obrade visokim hidrostatskim tlakom (VHT) na parametre boje sokova od jabuke. Jabuke su od velikog interesa za proizvođače sokova i općenito proizvoda od jabuke zbog osebujnog nutritivnog sastava (fenolni spojevi, vitamini, vlakna) i povoljnih učinaka na degenerativne, kardiovaskularne, pa i neke maligne bolesti. Obrada VHT-om, kao nova ne toplinska metoda obrade, ima sve veću primjenu u proizvodnji sokova od jabuka jer ne dovodi do značajnih promjena hranjivih, funkcionalnih i senzorskih svojstava hrane. Ovom tehnologijom učinkovito se inaktiviraju mikroorganizmi čime se povećava sigurnost i produženi rok trajanja, a pored toga povoljno utječe na parametre boje sokova jer inaktivira enzime koji su zaslužni za procese posmeđivanja.The aim of this work was to review the scientific literature on the topic of high pressure processing (HPP) effects on the color parameters of apple juices. Apples are of great interest to juice producers due to their nutritional composition (phenolic compounds, vitamins, fibers) and proven beneficial effects on degenerative, cardiovascular and some malignant diseases. HPP has established itself as one of the most suitable nonthermal technologies applied to fruit juices primarily due to minimal on the nutritional, functional and sensory properties of food. This technology enables microbial inactivation, thus improve the food safety and prolong shelf-life of juices. In addition, HPP constitutes as an effective technology to inactivate the enzymes in fruit juices, therefore could have positive effects in the color stability

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