Independent expression of GASP phenomenon on the mutT gene in enterobacteria Escherichia coli


Cilj istraživanja u ovom radu bio je uočiti pojave međudjelovanja enterobakterija. Proučavane su dvije vrste iz ove obitelji, Escherichia coli i Salmonella enterica serotip Typhimurium. Prednost rasta u stacionarnoj fazi (eng. ˝Growth Advantage in Stationary Phase˝ – GASP) je mehanizam koji bakterijama omogućuje da prežive stres tijekom dugotrajnog izgladnjivanja u svom okolišu. Praćena je dinamika rasta mutanta bakterije E. coli mutT TetR, u zasebnoj kulturi kao i rast u miješavinama. Miješavine su se sastojale od 10 dana starih stanica kulture bakterije E. coli mutT TetR, i mlade (24 sata) bakterijske kulture S. enterica StrR ili E. coli StrR. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da mutant bakterije E. coli mutT TetR u kompletnoj hranjivoj podlozi pokazuje slab fenotip GASP, no to nije slučaj za minimalnu podlogu. U minimalnoj podlozi mutant mutT E. coli pokazuje jak fenotip GASP u mješavinama s bakterijskom kulturom S. enterica ili E. coli.The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between Enterobacteriaceac. Two species of this bacterial family was studied: Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Growth advantage in stationary phase – GASP is a mechanism, which allows bacteria to survive during periods of stress. We were observing the dynamics of growth of bacteria E. coli mutT TetR, in the separate cultures as well as in the mixed ones. Mixed cultures consist of 10 days old bacteria E. coli mutT TetR, and young, 24 hours old, wild type of bacteria S. enterica StrR or E. coli StrR. Results indicate that bacteria E. coli mutT TetR exhibits weak GASP phenotype in the rich medium, but that is not the case for the minimal medium. Bacteria E. coli mutT exhibits strong GASP phenotype in the minimal medium in the mixed cultures with bacteria S. enterica StrR and bacteria E. coli StrR

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