Impact of Automation on the Air Traffic Control System Capacity


Neautomatizirani sustavi u kontroli zračnog prometa zahtijevaju veliko radno opterećenje kontrolora u smislu verbalne koordinacije, proračuna parametara leta, subjektivne procjene buduće pozicije zrakoplova, ručnog ispisivanja obrazaca o letu i drugoga. Svrha uvođenja automatiziranih sustava u kontrolu zračnog prometa jest povećanje kapaciteta sustava kontrole zračnog prometa smanjenjem radnog opterećenja kontrolora. Radom je obuhvaćena problematika utjecaja automatizacije na kapacitet sustava kontrole zračnog prometa, a time i na radno opterećenje kontrolora zračnog prometa. Korištenjem znanstvene literature i provođenjem eksperimenta na simulatorskim uređajima koji se upotrebljavaju tijekom osposobljavanja kontrolora zračnog prometa, određen je utjecaj automatiziranih sustava na radno opterećenje kontrolora zračnog prometa. Na temelju toga definiran je model iskorištenja zračnog prostora u obliku ocjene radnog opterećenja i kapaciteta kontrolora zračnog prometa. Analizom rezultata provedenog eksperimenta, simulacija različitih scenarija neautomatiziranog i automatiziranog sustava, identificirane su prednosti i nedostaci automatiziranog sustava u kontroli zračnog prometa u odnosu na promjenu kapaciteta zračnog prostora uz minimalno zadržavanje iste razine učinkovitosti.Non-automated systems in the Air Traffic Control require high air traffic controller workload in terms of conducting the coordination with the aircrew and other controllers, calculation of flight parameters, subjective estimation of the future position of the aircraft, hand writing on the Air Traffic Control strips and other relevant activities. The purpose of the introduction of the automated systems is to increase the Air Traffic Control capacity by achieving the reduction of the controller workload. This dissertation describes the influence of the automation on the Air Traffic Control system as a whole, and by this, it includes the influence of automation on the controllers workload. By using the scientific literature and conducting the experiments on the Air Traffic Control simulators, used for the Air Traffic Controllers simulator training, the analysis of the influence of automated Air Traffic Control systems on the controller’s workload is conducted. Based on the abovementioned statements, the model for the airspace utilization was defined, with the model outputs expressed as quantitative values of the controller’s workload and air traffic control capacity. With the model outputs analysed, it is possible to identify recommendations for the improvement of the Air Traffic Control system. The identification of the recommendations is based on the comparative analysis of the usage of the nonautomated and automated system in air traffic control system environment. With the experiment results analysis and simulations of different exercises in non-automated and automated Air Traffic Control systems, the pros and cons of the usage of the Air Traffic Control automated systems is identified

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