Development of the Aplication for Android Operating System in the Function of Informing the Students of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences


Današnji mobilni telefoni gotovo u potpunosti mogu zamijeniti računala, a svaki od njih radi na nekom operativnom sustavu. Najpoznatiji su Android, iOS, Windows Mobile te BlackBerry koji je, iako je bio začetnik revolucije pametnih telefona, prestao s njihovom proizvodnjom. Cilj ovog završnog rada je ukratko opisati karakteristike i način rada svakog od spomenutih operativnih sustava te platforme za razvoj aplikacija Android operativnog sustava i na temelju iznesenog napraviti Android aplikaciju koristeći MIT App Inventor 2 platformu koja je takoĎer opisana ovim radom. Aplikacija je namijenjena studentima Fakulteta prometnih znanosti i sluţi im kao pomoć u vezi saznanja informacija o kolegijima, profesorima i svakom drugom pitanju u vezi studiranja.Current mobile phones can almost completely replace computers and each one works on some operating system. Most famous are Android, iOS, Windows Mobile and Blackberry, which, even though it was the originator of the smartphone revolution, stopped producing. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to briefly describe the characteristics and the way in which each of the above mentioned operating systems works and also platform for developing Android operating system applications and based on that, make an Android application using the MIT App Inventor 2 platform that is also described in this thesis. The application is intended for students of the Faculty of Traffic Science and serves them as an aid in obtaining information about courses, professors and any other issues related to studying

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