Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je istražiti na koji način studenti sportaši objašnjavaju uzroke svoje najuspješnije i najmanje uspješne izvedbe u sportskoj karijeri. Ispitali smo kako se ti razlozi razlikuju za uspjeh i neuspjeh te s obzirom na spol studenata i vrstu sporta. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 194 studenta Kineziološkog Fakulteta u Zagrebu (Nž=77, Nm=117). U istraživanju je korišten Weinerov model atribucija i CDS II skala (Hanrahan i Cerin, 2009). Rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici donose više internalne, stabilne i osobno kontrolabilne atribucije za uspjeh nego za neuspjeh. Razlike između studenata i studentica dobivene su samo na dimenziji lokusa kontrole za neuspjeh gdje su sportašice svoje neuspjehe u statistički značajno većoj mjeri pripisivale sebi u odnosu na sportaše. Nije dobivena razlika u atribucijama s obzirom na vrstu sporta.The goal of the present thesis is to investigate how student athletes explain the causes of its most successful and the least successful performance in sports career. We examined how these reasons differ for success and failure, and regard to gender of students and type of sport. In this research participated 194 students of the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb (Nw=77, Nm=117). The study used Weiner attribution model and CDS II scale (Hanrahan i Cerin, 2009). The results showed that participants bring more internal, stable and personally controllable attributions for success than for failure. Differences between male and female students were obtained only in the dimension locus of control for failure where woman’s their failures attributed significantly higher to themselves in relation to the man’s. There are no significant differences in attributions considering the type of the sport