Possibilities of Optimizing Distribution Network of the Production Company by Applying Mathematical Model


U današnje vrijeme postoji ogromna konkurencija koja od svih poduzeća zahtjeva stalna unaprjeđenja poslovanja, podizanje razine kvalitete proizvoda i usluga, te racionalizaciju troškova. To se posebno odnosi na distribuciju robe, zbog globalizacije koja je već dugo prisutna i traži prilagodbe ovisno o strateškim ciljevima poduzeća i zahtjevima kupaca. Izradom matematičkih modela mogu se opisati logistički sustavi distribucije robe, te se njihovim optimiziranjem mogu dobiti logistička rješenja za unaprjeđenje funkcioniranja postojećih realnih logističkih sustava.At the present time there is a huge competition that demands from all companies constant improvement of business, such as raising the quality of products and services or rationalization of costs. This particularly applies to the distribution of goods, because of globalization which has long been present, and requires adjustment depending on the strategic goals of the company and the customer's requirements. By creating mathematical models whitch describe logistics systems of distribution of goods, and their optimization can get the logistics solutions for improving existing logistics systems

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