Construing reality: Aktionsart in the light of the Cognitive Grammar theory


Na temelju engleskih konstrukcija s tzv. 'light' glagolima have, take, give i make proučit ćemo kognitivnu utemeljenost pojma glagolskog načina kao jezičnog koncepta koji u sebi sublimira naizgled oprečne elemente sintakse i semantike. Pojam (ne)omeđenosti područja koje se profilira pri procesu nominalizacije glagolskog elementa koji služi kao argument 'light' glagolima temeljni je dokaz o dubokoj konceptualnoj motiviranosti visokoga tvorbenog potencijala ovih perifrastičnih konstrukcija.English constructions with so called light verbs have, take, give and make should serve as a basis for establishing Aktionsart as a cognitively and linguistically validated concept which under its name merges seemingly oposing elements of syntax and semantics. The concept of boundedness/ unboundedness of the region profiled in the process of nominalisation leading to the creation of the light verbs argument should substantiate conceptually deeply rooted formational potential of these periphrastic constructions

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