The role of volunteering in socially responsible enterpreneurship


Volontiranje je dobrovoljan neplaćeni rad ljudi, odnosno ulaganje svoga slobodnoga vremena, znanja i vještina za dobrobit drugih ljudi ili opću dobrobit. Prema anketi provedenoj u radu („Anketa o stavovima i mišljenju o volontiranju“) većina sudionika volontiralo je zbog altruističnih motiva. Društvena odgovornost može biti individualna i korporativna. Individualna društvena odgovornost predstavlja angažman pojedinca kroz dobrotvorne akcije, a korporativna društvena odgovornost predstavlja poticanje zaposlenika na volontiranje od strane korporacija/tvrtki. Korporacije/tvrtke nude različita dobrotvorna događanja svojim zaposlenicima ili ih šalju u druge zemlje (siromašne zemlje) kao volontere kako bi im pomogli svojom stručnošću, znanjem i vještinama. Djelovanje volontera kroz LAG-ove, VSO, WWOOF i Eko centar Latinovac su najbolji primjer uloge volontera u funkciji društveno odgovornog poduzetništva u sektoru poljoprivrede.Volunteering is an activity where an individual or group provides unpaid services that is, investing their free time, knowledge and skills for the benefit of other people or for the general good. According to the survey conducted in this paper, most of the participants volunteered for altruistic motives. Social responsibility can be individual and corporate. Individual social responsibility is the engagement of an individual through charitable actions, and corporate social responsibility is the encouragement of employees to volunteering by corporations / companies. Corporations / companies offer various charitable events to their employees or send them to other countries (low-income countries) as volunteers to help them with their professional knowledge and skills. The activities of volunteers through LAGs, VSO, WWOOF and Eco Village Latinovac are the best example of the volunteer’s role in the function of socially responsible entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector

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