
Žena u trudnoći doživljava niz bioloških i psiholoških poremećaja, koji imaju utjecaj na rast i razvoj djeteta, odnose u obitelji i cijelu zajednicu. Pojavnost perinatalnih poremećaja je stanje kojem treba dati veće značenje. Cilj: cilj ovog istraživanja je steći uvid u pojavnost poremećaja raspoloženja koji se javljaju u perinatalnom periodu te povezanost tih poremećaja s postpartalnim periodom i napredovanjem djeteta. Nacrt studije: prospektivna kohortna studija Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje su bile uključene zdrave trudnice u zadnjem trimestru trudnoće, ukupno 209 trudnica, 197 babinjača i 160 rodilja krajem trećeg mjeseca nakon poroda. Istraživanje je provedeno putem anonimne ankete sa sociodemografskim podacima. Instrumenti koji su korišteni u istraživanju su Edinburška skala postpartalne depresije (EPDS), Beckov inventar depresije (BID) i Beckov inventar anksioznosti (BIA), te kratka psihijatrijska skala (KPSO). Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je 15,3% ispitanica imalo blagi rizik za pojavu perinatalne depresije, s rezultatom ≥10 bodova na EPDS, a 7,7% je imalo izražen rizik s rezultatom od 13 do 20 bodova na EPDS. U istraživanju je korišten i BID koji je pokazao da je 3,8% ispitanica imalo blage poremećaje raspoloženja. BIA je pokazao da je 74% ispitanica pokazalo minimalnu razinu anksioznosti, a 1,1% imalo je izraženu anksioznost. Nakon izlaska iz rodilišta 89,2% rodilja dojilo je svoju djecu, a krajem trećeg mjeseca 62,5% učinilo je isto. Depresivnost rodilja krajem trećeg mjeseca nakon poroda koje nisu dojile svoju djecu ststistički je značajna (t=2,05, p<0,05). Spearmanovim koeficijentom korelacije pronađena je niska pozitivna povezanost depresivnosti nakon poroda i promjene tjelesne težine (rs=0,202, p<0,05) i dužine djeteta (rs=0,160, p<0,05) od poroda do trećeg mjeseca. Rodilje koje su kraće dojile treće dijete više su depresivne i anksiozne u usporedbi s ostalim rodiljama koje su dulje dojile svoju djecu. Zaključak: Identifikacija perinatalne depresivnosti tijekom trudnoće omogućava zdravstvenim djelatnicima praćenje rizičnih trudnica sa mjerama pojačanog nadzora, također i provođenje preventivnih intervencija te postavljanje dijagnoze perinatalne depresije uz pomoć kliničkih intervencija.During the pregnancy women experience a series of biological and psychological disturbances that affect growth and development of the child, family relationships and entire society. There should be payed more attention to perinatal disorders. Aim of study: The aim of this study is to gain insight into the appearance of mood disorders that appear during the perinatal period, and the correlation of these disorders with postpartal period and child's development. Draft of study: prospective cohort study Examinees and methods: The study involved healthy pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy, a total of 209 pregnant women, 197 puerperas and 160 pregnant women at the end of the third month after delivery. The study was conducted through an anonymous survey of sociodemographic data. The instruments used in the study were Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Results: The results showed that 15.3% of respondents had a slight risk of perinatal depression, with a score of ≥10 points on the EPDS, and 7.7% had a risk with a score from 13 to 20 points on the EPDS. The study also used a BDI, which showed that 3.8% of respondents had mild depressive symptoms. BAI has shown that 74% of repondents showed a minimum level of anxiety, and 1.1% had a pronounced anxiety. After leaving the maternity hospital 89.2% of new mothers breastfed their children, and at the end of third month after delivery 62.5% of them. Statistically significant (t=2.05, p<0.05) was the occurrence of depression among the new mothers who did not breastfeed their children. Spearman's correlation coefficient discovered low positive correlation between depression after delivery and weight changes (rs = 0.202, p <0.05) and the length of the child (rs=0,160, p<0,05) from birth to three months. New mothers who breastfed their third child shorter were more depressed and anxious than other mothers who breastfed their children during longer period. Conclusion: Identification of perinatal depression during pregnancy allows health professionals to follow pregnant women at risk with increased supervision, to provide preventive interventions and diagnosis of perinatal depression with the help of clinical interventions

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