Influence of polyglycerol polyricinoleate emulsifier on the properties of peanut spread cream


Svrha ovoga rada bila je ispitati utjecaj različitih udjela poliglicerol poliricinoleata (PGPR-a) na boju, teksturu, koloidnu stabilnost i senzorska svojstva krem-namaza od kikirikija. Analizirana su svojstva namaza pri različitim udjelima kikirikija: 18 %, 21 % i 24 %, te različitim udjelima PGPR-a: 0,2 %, 0,4 %, i 0,6 %. U odnosu na kontrolni uzorak bez PGPR-a, najveću promjenu boje pokazao je uzorak s najviše emulgatora PGPR-a pri udjelu kikirikija 24 %. Najbolju mazivost (teksturu) imao je uzorak s 0,4 % PGPR-a pri udjelu kikirikija 24 %. Isti uzorak pokazao je i najbolju koloidnu stabilnost. Senzorskim ispitivanjem utvrđeno je da je najbolju ukupnu ocjenu imao uzorak bez dodatka emulgatora PGPR-a pri udjelu kikirikija 18 %.The aim of this work was to examine the influence of different polyglycerol polyricinoleate's (PGPR) share on color, texture, colloid stability and sensory properties of peanut cream. The variation in peanut yields was 18, 21 and 24%, with PGPR content: 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6%. Compared to the PGPR-free control sample, the largest change in color showed the sample with the highest level of PGPR emulsifiers at peanut share 24%. The best lubricity (texture) had a 0.4% PGPR sample with peanut butter 24%. The same pattern showed the best colloidal stability. Sensory examination found that the best overall grade had the sample without a PGPR emulsifier at 18% peanut

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