Synthesis of metal-organic frameworks with zinc(II)


Metaloorganske mreže su porozni materijali koji su građeni od anorganskih(metalni kationi) i organskih jedinica (ligandi). Razlikuju se od drugih poroznih materijala zato što imaju relativno male pore, mikro- i nanopore, zbog čega takvi materijali imaju veliku specifičnu površinu te po maloj gustoći, fleksibilnosti i dinamičnosti. U ovom radu opisana je priprava četiriju spojeva cinka(II) s organskim, aromatskim dikiselinama kaoligandima. Dobiveni spojevi su karakterizirani pomoću FT-IR spektroskopije i termogravimetrijske (TG) analize. Rezultati ispitivanja upućuju na mogućnost nastanka poroznih materijala, s molekulskom i kristalnom građom nalik na poznati MOF5 spoj. TG analiza ukazuje na različite omjere cinka i vezanog liganda koji se pojavljuju u sintetiziranim materijalima te na to da se njihova termička stabilnost povećava s većim brojem alifatskih skupina u lancu liganda. Metodički dio rada sadrži pripremu za nastavnu jedinicu pod naslovom Cink i njegovi spojevi te biološka uloga cinka. Dva nastavna sata su zamišljena kao kombinacija frontalnog i grupnog rada uz izvođenje pokusa.Metaloorganic frameworks are porous materials that are built from inorganic(metals) and organic units (ligands). They are different from other porous materials fortheir large surface areas and pores, low density, flexibility and dinamics. Synthesis andanalysis of four novel compounds with Zn(II) cation and organic, aromatic diacids asligands are described in the thesis. The prepared compounds were characterized by meansof FT-IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. The obtained results indicatethat the porous material might be formed through described reactions and that theirmolecular and crystal structure could be similar to the structure of the well known MOF5compound. TG analysis indicates that zinc cation is bounde in different stochiometric ratiodepending on ligand used in a synthesis. Also, a thermal stability of the prepared complexcompounds increases as the number of atoms in the aliphatic chain becomes larger, i.e. asthe ligand was longer. In the teaching part of the thesis a lecture Zinc and his compoundsand biological functions of zinc has been prepared for high school students. Lesson wasdesigned as a combination of teacher's talk and students' group work with experiments

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