Fields and Rings


Glavna ideja ovog završnog rada je upoznavanje s algebarskim strukturama prstenima i poljima. Upoznat ćemo najvažnija svojstva binarnih operacija tih struktura i najbitnije definicije. Kako bi svojstva i definicije bile što razumljivije, navedeni su i neki primjeri prstena i polja. Opisano je i računanje pomoću Karatsubinog algoritma što uvelike skraćuje posao u računanju s velikim brojevima.The main idea of this Final Paper is introducing algebraic structures: rings and fields. We are going to introduce the most important properties of binary operations and main definitions. For better understanding of these properties and definitions, there are some examples of rings and fields set out. It is also described calculation by Karatsuba algorithm which makes work quicker when we calculate with large numbers

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