Marketing mix of organic products


Temu Marketing miks ekoloških proizvoda nije moguće obraditi bez da se prvo definiraju osnovni pojmovi poput marketinga, 5 faza marketing procesa te tržište poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Jedan od najpoznatijih autoriteta iz područja marketinga Philip Kotler daje sljedeću definiciju „Marketing je društveni proces kojim pojedinci i grupe dobivaju ono što im je potrebno i što žele tako da stvaraju i s drugima razmjenjuju proizvode i vrijednosti“ Marketing miks je jedna od 5 faza marketing procesa a ostale su istraživanje tržišta, definiranje marketing ciljeva, definiranje marketing strategije, izrada marketing miksa te marketing kontrola. Nije dovoljno objasniti samo pojam marketinga i faze marketing procesa nego još treba definirati i objasniti tržište poljoprivrednih proizvoda, percepcije kupaca, ekološku proizvodnju i zeleni marketing. Marketing mix ekoloških proizvoda predstavlja skup tržišnih aktivnosti koje započinju istraživanjem potreba potrošača eko-proizvoda te poduzimanjem drugih poslovnih aktivnosti koje će omogućiti primjereno zadovoljavanje potrošača i ostvarivanje primjerenog dobitka. Praksa je pokazala da bolje rezultate daje kombinacija marketing miksa, nego oslanjanje na samo jedan instrument. Najbolja je takva kombinacija instrumenata koja maksimalno zadovoljava potrebe potrošača uz minimalne troškove poduzeća. Marketing miks sastoji se od 4 stavke a to su proizvod, cijena, promocija i distribucija ili u engleskoj literaturi još poznatiji kao marketing mix 4P, u kojem 4P predstavlja product, price, promotion i place. Svaka stavka marketing miksa u radu je objašnjena zasebno te kako je primjeniti na ekološke proizvode. Marketing miksa 4P je proširen i nadograđen marketing miksom 7P. Osim osnovnih stavki marketing miksa 4P u proširenoj verziji objašnjeno je zašto su bitni ljudi, procesi i prirodno okruženje u ekološkoj proizvodnji.Thesis Marketing mix of organic products can not be processed without first defining the basic terms such as marketing, 5 stage marketing process and market of agricultural products. One of the most famous authority in marketing Philip Kotler gives the following definition: "Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others" Marketing mix is one of the 5 phases of the marketing process and other phases are market research, defining marketing objectives, definition of marketing strategies, development of the marketing mix and marketing control. It is not enough just to explain the concept of marketing and marketing phases of the process, but has yet to define and explain the market of agricultural products, customer perception, organic production and green marketing. Marketing mix of organic products is a set of market activities that begin with researching consumer needs of organic products and carrying out other business activities that will allow adequately satisfy the consumers and achieving adequate profits. Practice has shown that better results are combination of marketing mix, rather than just relying on a single instrument. The best combination of these instruments that meet the maximum needs of consumers at minimal cost for companies. Marketing mix consists of four items which are product, price, promotion and distribution or even in English literature known as the marketing mix 4P, which is 4P product, price, promotion and place. Each item of the marketing mix in the essay is explained separately and how can be applied to organic products. Marketing mix 4P is expanded and upgraded with marketing mix 7P. In addition to the basic items of marketing mix 4P the extended version is explained importance of the people, processes and the environment in organic production

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