
Cilj ovog rada je polifaznim pristupom, tj. kombinacijom morfološkog i molekularnog pristupa načiniti karakterizaciju 16 sojeva bentonskih iperifitonskih vrsta Anabaena spp. sakupljenih tijekom 2010. i 2011. godine na osam različitihlokaliteta iz areala Sokolov (u sjevernom djelu Češke Republike). Na temelju dobivenih rezultata morfoloških svojstava (dimenzija vegetativnih stanica, heterocita i akineta) sojevi su podijeljeni u pet morfoloških skupina (morfoloških tipova). Odabrani sojevi koji predstavljaju odvojene filogenetske klastere bazirane na 16S rRNA genu, podvrgnuti su eksperimentu s različitim vrijednostima temperature i intenziteta svjetlosti gdje nisu pokazali značajne promjene u dimenzijama vegetativnih stanica, heterocita i akineta. Za iste sojeve eksperimentalno je određen optimalan rast, koji je za tri soja (04VR10L1, 11VR10JH,01DRMII10) bio sličan, dok se za soj 12SO10CI bitno razlikovao. Za većinu sojeva,grupiranje sojeva prema 16S rRNA genu odgovaralo je grupiranju prema morfološkim svojstvima. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, možemo zaključiti da je bentonski i perifitonski rod Anabaena filogenetički heterogen. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja s većim brojem sojeva za bolje razumijevanje bioraznolikosti Anabaena spp.Main aim of this thesis is polyphasic characterization of 16 benthic andperiphytic Anabaena strain collected from eight localities in the north part of the Czech Republic in 2010-2011 near the town Sokolov. They were studied using a polyphasic approach, a combination of morphological and molecular approaches. According to the morphological comparison, there are five morphological groups (morphological types) we can find within the group of the studied strains. Morphological characteristics of the four studied Anabaena strains were measured under various temperature and light intensity. The effect of temperature and light on the dimensions of vegetative cells, heterocytes and akinetes was weak. Four strains exposed to growth optima experiments represented distant phylogeneticclusters based on the 16S rRNA gene, three of them (04VR10L1, 11VR10JH, 01DRMII10)had really similar temperature and light optima. Only the growth optima of the fourth strain,12SO10CI , were significantly different from them. According to the results, we can conclude benthic and periphytic Anabaena genus is phylogenetically heterogeneous. Clustering of the strains based on the 16S rRNA gene corresponds to morphological differences in most cases among 16 studied strains. More extended study on a higher number of strains is necessary fora deeper understanding the biodiversity of Anabaena spp

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