
Malnutricija je česta u bolesnika s karcinomom, a enteralna prehrana metoda izbora za unos kalorijskih potreba u takvih bolesnika ako im je očuvana funkcija probavnog sustava. Uz enteralnu prehranu, očuvan je integritet i funkcija sluznice u probavnom sustavu, povećan nutricijski unos i smanjen gubitak tjelesne težine. Statistički su dokazane prednosti enteralne prehrane u odnosu na parenteralnu prehranu nakon kirurških zahvata kod onkoloških bolesnika te tijekom i nakon primjene kemoterapije. Enteralna prehrana je fiziološka i jeftinija od parenteralne prehrane te je metoda izbora za hranjenje bolesnika s malignim bolestimaMalnutrition is a common disorder in patients with cancer and. enteral nutrition is an optimal method for the caloric intake in patients with cancer and preserved function of the gastrointestinal system. Enteral nutrition is preserving the function of intestinal mucosa, increasing nutritional intake and the weight gain. The preferences of enteral nutrition versus parenteral nutrition are statistically proven after surgical procedures in oncologic patients and also in patients receiving chemotherapy. The enteral nutrition is more physiological than parenteral, with the proven cost benefit and it is a method of choice for the nutrition of patients with malignant disease

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