Immunological aspects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Incidencija kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti (KOPB) je u porastu i smatra se trećim vodećim uzrokom smrtnosti u svijetu što predstavlja globalni zdravstveni problem. U većini slučajeva uzrokovana je djelovanjem štetnih sastavnica cigaretnog dima, a karakterizira ju djelomično reverzibilna, ali progresivna opstrukcija dišnih putova koja se pogoršava egzacerbacijama. Strukturne i upalne stanice urođene i stečene imunosti u respiratornom traktu na cigaretni dim i druge iritanse reagiraju oslobađanjem medijatora upale kao što su IL1, IL6, IL8 i TNFα koji regrutiraju dodatne upalne stanice kao CD8+ i CD4+ T stanice, te orkestriraju urođenim i stečenim imunosnim reakcijama. KOPB je obilježen opsežnom imunosnom disfunkcijom koja dovodi do egzacerbacija i progresije bolesti, a posljedično i smanjenju kvalitete života.The incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is in increase and is considered to be the third leading cause of death worldwide, representing a global health problem. Most common cause of COPD is cigarette smoke, and is characterized by its partially reversible but progressive obstruction of the respiratory tract that aggravates exacerbations. Structural and inflammatory cells of innate and adaptive immune responses in the respiratory tract, react to cigarette smoke and other irritants, by releasing inflammatory mediators such as IL1, IL6, IL8 and TNFα which recruit additional inflammatory cells such as CD8 + and CD4 + T cells, and orchestrate innate and adaptive immune responses. COPD is characterized by extensive immune dysfunction which leads to exacerbation and progression of the disease, and consequently to the reduction of the quality of life

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