Monitoring level of consciousness in surgical intensive care unit patients using the bispectral indeks


Bispektralni indeks (BIS) je mjera kojom se prate učinci anestezije i sedacije na mozak. Smatra se novim „vitalnim znakom“ koji omogućuje anesteziolozima uspostavljanje odgovarajuće anestezije a medicinskim sestrama omogućuje postoperativno praćenje stanja svijesti i učinke anestezije i analgezije čime se poboljšava skrb za bolesnika. Tijekom evolucije moderne anestezije procjena stanja svijesti bolesnika i dubina anestezije prošle su postepenu promjenu i poboljšanje. Unatoč poboljšanjima u procjeni kardiovaskularnog sustava tijekom anestezije, izravno određivanje učinaka anestetika i sedativa na centralni živčani sustav ostao je izazov. Smatra se da hemodinamski odgovori ne moraju nužno pružati točne odgovore centralnog živčanog sustava na primjenu anestetika te su stoga nepouzdani indikator moždanog statusa (Flaishon et al., 1997). U diplomskom radu prikazana je analgosedacija u jedinci intenzivnog liječenja, subjektivna metoda praćenja stanja svijesti i objektivna metoda bispektralni indeks.Bispectral index (BIS) is a measure used to monitor the effects of anesthesia and sedation on the brain. It is considered the new "vital sign" that allows the establishment of adequate anesthesia to anesthesiologists and nurses and it allows postoperative monitoring of the rate of consciousness and the effects of anesthesia and analgesia, thus improving patient care. During the evolution of modern anesthesia patient assessment of the rate of consciousness and the depth of anesthesia it underwent a gradual change and improvement. Despite improvements in the assessment of the cardiovascular system during anesthesia, direct determination of anesthetic and sedatives effects on the central nervous system remains a challenge. It is believed that hemodynamic responses do not necessarily provide the correct responses to the central nervous system on administration of anesthetic and are therefore unreliable indicator of brain status (Flaishon et al., 1997). This final paper presents analgosedation in intensive care unit, subjective method of monitoring the state of consciousness and objective method, the bispectral index

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