An investigation of the Dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills (DIBELS) and the Illinois snapshot of early literacy (ISEL)


Pojam kreativnosti ima različita značenja i pojašnjenja. Razlog tomu je što je mnogo pojedinaca pojam pokušalo objasniti sa svojeg stajališta Joy Paul Guilford, Ellen Winner, Irving Taylor, Abraham Maslow i Paul Torrance samo su neki od njih. Poticanje kreativnosti kod djece predškolske dobi važno je kako za dijete tako i za njegovu okolinu. Odrasli bi trebali poticati svaki djetetov kreativan trenutak, bez uplitanja i nametanja svojeg mišljenja. Tek tada će dijete razvijati svoju kreativnost i postajati ''mali znanstvenik''. Rad je podijeljen na četiri dijela; pojam kreativnosti; odnosno što je kreativnost i kako je pojašnjavaju različiti psiholozi, zatim dijete i kreativnost; kako se kreativnost razvija, ali i kako se uništava. Treći dio je kreativnost u institucionalnom kontekstu- igre pomoću kojih odrasli mogu poticati kreativnost. Namijenjene su predškolskoj dobi, ali se i starija djeca mogu okušati u njima. Podijeljene su na nekoliko tema kako bi odraslima bilo lakše odabrati pravu igru za pojedino dijete. Četvrti dio ovog rada (dodatak) jesu slike kako je petogodišnja djevojčica nacrtala moguća rješenja nekih igara koje se nalaze u trećem dijelu. Kod razvijanja kreativnosti svi imamo veliku važnost i zbog toga je vrlo bitno da smo toga svjesni. Samim razgovorom s djecom i načinom na koji oblikujemo njihovu okolinu te igrama koje pružamo djetetu možemo razvijati njegovu kreativnost, ali je i uništavati. Svrha ovog rada je da postanemo svjesni toga jer ćemo onda i djelovati pozitivno na djecu i pomoći im razvijati kreativnost. Dijete u predškolskoj dobi trebalo bi biti slobodnog uma, slobodno se igrati i izrađivati štogod se dosjeti, dok je posao odrasloga da sva ta igra bude bezopasna i korisna za dijete i njegov razvoj.The concept of creativity has different meanings and explanations. This is because a lot of individuals attempt to explain the concept to its position; Joy Paul Guilford, Ellen Winner, Irving Taylor, Abraham Maslow and Paul Torrance are just some of the therefrom. Encouraging creativity in children of preschool age, is important for both the child and his environment. Adults should encourage each child's creative moment, without interference and to seek their opinions. Only then will a child develop their creativity and become '' a little scientist ''. The paper is divided into four parts; the concept of creativity; or what is creativity and how it explains various psychologists, then on child and creativity; how creativity develops, and how it destroys. The third part is creativity in the institutional context- games by which adults can encourage creativity. Games are designed for preschool age, but older children can try to play them. They are divided on several topics to help adults to easier choose the right game for the individual child. The fourth part of this study (appendix) are the images that the five-year girl drew possible solutions to some of the games that are in the third part. In developing the creativity we all have great importance and that is why it is very important that we are aware of it. By talking to children and the way they shape their environment and games that provide child can develop his creativity, but so can destroy it. The purpose of this paper is to become aware of it because we will then act positively on children and help them develop creativity. The child in the pre-school age should be open-minded, free play and make whatever he wants until all adult must make this game harmless and beneficial for the child and its development

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