Trends of employment-based health insurance: Why did the coverage for private-sector workers decrease during economic boom


U radu je opisan razvoj javnih pokretnih mreža od 4. do 5. generacije. Opisani su zahtjevi i značajke javnih pokretnih mreža te pripadajući prijenosni sustavi i modulacijski postupci. Objašnjene su sličnosti i razlike između mreža. Opisan je komunikacijski kanal koji se koristi prilikom prijenosa informacija. Objašnjena je MIMO tehnologija, njezine vrste i budući mogući razvoj tehnologije. Prikazane su specifikacije i zahtjevi LTE sustava inačice 8. Na kraju su prikazani rezultati za navedeni sustav i usporedba između različitih modela kanala i načina prijenosa.The paper describes the development of public mobile networks from fourth to fifth generation. Requirements and features of public mobile networks are described with associated transmission systems and modulation techniques. There are explained similarities and differences between networks. It is described a communication channel which is used for transferring information. It is explained MIMO technology with its types and possible future technology development. There are shown the specifications and requirements of LTE system versions 8. Finally there are present the results for that system and comparison between different models of channels and modes of transmission

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