Multiple Myeloma Index for Risk of Infection


Based on our earlier research into the main characteristics and risk factors for infections in hospitalized patients with multiple myeloma, we created the numerical Multiple Myeloma Index for Risk of Infection (MMIRI) to predict infection in myeloma patients. The included factors that could influence the pathogenesis and incidence of infections were sex, perform ance status, Durie Salmon stage of disease, International Staging System, serum creatinine level, immune paresis, neutropenia, serum ferritin level, the presence of any catheters, disease duration, stable/progressive disease, and type of therapy. For each of these parameters, the strength of association with infection was statistically estimated and specific number of points was assigned to each of these parameters, proportional to the strength of the association. When designing the MMIRI, we included only those parameters that we determined were pathophysiologically associated with the infection. After further statistical analysis, we identified an optimal cutoff score of 6 or above as indicating a significant risk for infection, with a sensitivity of 93.2% and specificity of 80.2%. The scoring system in the retrospective receiver operating characteristic analysis showed an area under the curve of 0.918. The potential value of the MMIRI is the possibility of identifying those patients who would benefit from the prophylactic administration of antibiotics and other anti -infective measures while minimizing the contribution to antibiotic resistance related to the overuse of these drugs. As far as we know, this index represents the first attempt to create such an instrument for predicting the occurrence of infections in myeloma patients

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