
U ovom radu istražujemo nastanak EMG signala u tijelu čovjeka te osnovne mehanizme iza njegovog stvaranja, te definiramo moguće načine akvizicije EMG signala iz mišića, nadalje opisujemo karakteristike EMG signala. Prikazujemo već ostvarene sustave za upravljanje robotskom rukom pomoću EMG signala te prikazujemo njihove mogućnosti za upravljanje jednim takvim sustavom, deklariramo ih s obzirom na koliko mišića snimaju EMG signal i s obzirom na način obrade toga signala. Nakon toga predlažemo idejno rješenje jednog EMG sustava za kontrolu robotskom rukom, te prolazimo kroz sastavne dijelove objašnjavajući princip rada svakog, prikazujemo utjecaj na signal i određujemo vrijednosti potrebnih komponenata. Pomoću tih saznanja određujemo završnu shemu pomoću koje dizajniramo i izrađujemo tiskanu pločicu na koju onda postavljamo komponente, te prikazujemo način spajanja na EMG pločice na mikrokontroler.This paper researches the generation of EMG signals in the human body and the basic mechanisms behind its creation, defining the possible ways of acquisition of EMG signals from muscles and further describing the characteristics of the EMG signal. We present already realized control systems for a robotic arm using EMG signals and show their way of controlling a robotic arm, we declare them with a regard to how many muscles do we record the EMG signal from and with respect to the method of processing that signal. After that, we propose a conceptual design of a system for EMG control of a robotic arm, and go through the parts of the system explaining the principle of operation of each, show the influence of the signal and determine the value of the necessary components. We use these insights determine the final schematic with help of which we design and build a printed circuit board and we populate it with components, and then we show how to connect the microcontroller to the EMG board

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