The influence of social environment on the quality of children's interactions and the course of action


Teorijski pristup ovom radu usmjeren je na socijalnu interakciju za koju mnogi autori smatraju da, s prostorno-materijalnim okruženjem, utječe na smjer i kvalitetu dječje aktivnosti u odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi – vrtiću. Kvalitetan socijalni kontekst podrazumijeva mnoštvo prilika u kojima će dijete moći stupiti u raznovrsne interakcije, kako s drugom djecom, tako i s odgajateljem. Kvaliteta interakcija između djece međusobno te između djece i odgajatelja ključna je za razvoj svih područja dječjeg razvoja. Navedeno naglašava odgajateljevu ulogu koja uključuje promatranje što i kako djeca nešto rade, kako ulaze u interakcije s drugom djecom, kako komuniciraju, surađuju te se na temelju toga promišljaju aktivnosti i materijali u području dječjih interesa. Istraživanjem se željelo istražiti koliko tijekom preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje unutar kolegija Integrirani kurikulum u ranom i predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju studenti imaju priliku razvijati svoje kompetencije poticanja dječjih interakcija u kvalitetnom socijalnom okruženju. Rezultati istraživanja, odnosno sadržajna analiza učestalosti situacija iz socijalnog okruženja koje su utjecale na kvalitetu i smjer dječjih interakcija pokazala je da pozitivno utječe na jačanje praktičnih kompetencija studenata.Teoretical approach of this work is directed on social interaction which for many authors consider that accompanied with dimensional-material surroundings affects course and quality of children's activities in upbringing - educational institution, i.e. kindergarten. Quality social context means a lot of opportunities wherein a child will be able to enter into various interactions, not only with other children, but with educators too. The quality of interaction between the childern, themselves, as well as between then and an educator, is a key factor for development of all aspects of children's growth. This emphasizes educator's role which includes observation of what and how the children are doing something, how they enter into interactions with other children, how they communicate and how they cooperate among themselves. On this basis, activities and materials in the field of children's interests are being contemplated. The aim of research was to explore how many opportuinities during undergraduate university studies titled Early and Preschool upbringing and education collegium Intergrated curriculum in early and preschool upbringing and education, the students have to develop theirs competences to originate children's interactions in a quality social surrounding. The research results analysis of frequency of social surrounding's situations which affected the quality and course of children's interactions show that it has positive influence on strenghtening of student's practical competences

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