Design of the Overpass above Highway : Undergraduate Thesis


U radu je prikazana projekt tipskog nadvožnjaka preko autoceste. Nadvožnjak se sastoji od dva jednaka raspona (19 m) te ima stup u pojasu razdvajanja projektiran tako da se širi od dna prema vrhu. Niveleta nadvožnjaka je oko 8.8 m iznad nivelete autoceste tako da ima dosta prostora za slobodni profil ispod nadvožnjaka. Projekt sadrži proračun glavnih nosača, karakteristične građevinske nacrte i tehnički opis.This paper presents the design of the overpass above higway. The structure is consist of two equal spans (19 m) and has a column in the separation zone designed as it gets wider from the bottom up. Elevation of the overpass is 8.8 meters above highway elevation giving enough space for traffic beneath the overpass. The work includes the calculation of the main span girders, characteristic construction plans as well as tehnical description of the construction

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