University of Split. Faculty of Maritime Studies. Department of maritime electr. and. inform. technologies.
Ljudski potencijali i upravljanje ljudskim resursima u suvremenom svijetu su ključni faktora za uspješnost poslovanja svakog poduzeća. U ovom radu bit će razrađen semantički model baza podataka kao pristupa organizaciji ljudskih resursa. Baze podataka se može definirati kao zbirka zapisa pohranjenih u računalu na sustavan način, s ciljem bržeg pristupa kroz indeksiranje i tražilice što omogućava brže, transparentno i efikasno manipuliranje podacima. S obzirom da je za efikasno upravljanje ljudskim resursima važan brz pristup podacima te njihovo kvalitetno organiziranje, koncept baza podataka se nameće kao kvalitetno rješenje tog problema. U radu su prikazani i opisani elementi semantičkog modeliranja baze podataka za upravljanje ljudskim resursima. Cilj razvijenog modela je prepoznati i identificirati podatke potrebne za definiranje i modeliranje poslovnih procesa neke organizacije.Human resources and human resource management in the contemporary world are key factors for the success of every business. In this paper, a semantic database model will be developed as an approach to human resource organization. Database can be defined as a collection of records stored in the computer in a systematic way, with a view to faster access through indexing and search engines, allowing faster, more transparent and efficient data manipulation. Given that the efficient management of human resources is an important quick access to data and their high quality organization, the database concept is imposed as a quality solution to this problem. The semantic modeling of the database for human resource management is presented and described in this paper. The goal of the developed model is to identify and identify the data needed to define and model an organization's business processes