ENG 1001G-025: Composition and Language


U ovom radu obradili smo geometrijsku optiku kroz okvire nastave fizike i kroz sustav školstva općenito. Objasnili smo ulogu drţavne mature u procesu obrazovanja uĉenika te kakav status ima geometrijska optika na državnoj maturi i koja se ključna znanja i vještine iz geometrijske optike očekuju da ih učenik usvoji tijekom svog srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Predložili smo mogućnost upotrebe besplatnih aplikacija i programa kao što su Kahoot i Algodoo. Pomoću Kahoot programa osmislili smo primjer testa čija je svrha motivirati učenike na suradnju i učenje kroz igru te nastavniku dati povratnu informaciju o usvojenosti gradiva dok nam je Algodoo program pomogao pri vizualizaciji izabranih problema u cilju što boljeg metodičkog pristupa odabranoj temi. Svrha ovog rada je bila pokazati kroz odabranu temu način na koji bi mogao poboljšati rad u učionici, a samim time i cjelokupni obrazovni sustav.This paper examines geometric optics within the context of physics lessons and the education system in general. The role of the State Matura exam within the students' education process is closely analysed as well as the role of geometric optics within the Matura exam. The focus is particularly put on the knowledge and skills of geometric optics that are students required to master through their secondary education. As an innovative idea the usage of free applications and programmes, such as Kahoot! and Algodoo, is introduced. A free gamebased learning platform Kahoot! enabled the author to create an example of a test whose purpose is to motivate students to cooperate and actively learn through play while also giving the teacher a feedback on students' assessment. On the other hand, Algodoo programme provides better visualisation of the chosen topic problems so as to achieve a more suitable methodological approach to the topic itself. Finally, the purpose of this paper is to display a different approach to the teaching of geometric optics which can not only improve the classroom activities but also consequently improve the very education system

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