Pervious Concrete Made of Lightweight Aggregate : Master's Thesis


Porozni beton je posebna vrsta betona koja zahvaljujući maloj volumnoj koncentraciji agregata ima veliki udio šupljina. U ovom radu proučavala su se svojstva poroznog betona izrađenog od laganog betona. Izrađeno je sedam različitih mješavina. Osim laganoga agregata različitih frakcija, u neke mješavine dodani su drobljeni agregat, leteći pepeo ili granulirano staklo. Ispitana su i analizirana njihova svojstva u svježem i očvrslom stanju. U svježem stanju ispitana je konzistencija mješavina, dok je u očvrslom ispitana njihova poroznost, propusnost te tlačna i vlačna čvrstoća.Pervious concrete is a special type of concrete which has high total void ratio thanks to small volume concentration of aggregates. The properties of pervious concrete made of lightweight aggregate have been examined in this study. Seven different mixtures have been made. Except lightweight aggregate of different sizes, crushed aggregate, flying ashes or granulated glass have also been added to some mixtures. Their properties in fresh and hardened state have been examined and analysed. Consistency of mixtures has been examined in fresh state, while porosity, permeability, compressive and tensile strength have been examined in hardened state

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