
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council (17th June 2008) establishes a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy. A crucial issue will be to improve the existing marine monitoring programs to cover the MSFD requirements. The comparison and identification of gaps in the existent national monitoring is a first step to include new parameters and frequencies of observation according to all relevant Directives and specially to MSFD. Our report is a first, integrated, cross-state assessment of the present state of Mediterranean monitoring networks. Data on monitoring stations have been provided from all member states of IRIS-SES + Croatia and joint in a unique georeferenced dataset. We used the cross-classification to build contingency tables of the counts at each combination of factor levels. Distances from coastline, densities of sampling stations, spatial overlap across descriptors, were also reported. As main results, we observed a large heterogeneity across MS on the parameters measured for each descriptors, on the density of sampling stations and on the frequency of sampling. Larger gaps have been identified for the descriptors Mammals, Birds, Reptiles (D1, D4, D6), Litter (D10), Energy & Noise (D11). The outputs from this work will be included into a GIS planning tool (Activity 3) including many scales and levels on which the MSFD Directive has been built on, such as the characteristics level (e.g. biological features, physicochemical features), pressure and impact, indicator/threshold, spatial (location of monitoring stations) and temporal (frequency-periodicity) across regions-subregions-countries

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