Information technology in the context of pedagogical innovation for sustainable development. Examples of activities in Poland and Austria


The main issue raised in the text is the issue of using information technology in education, in a multilayered manner, which compels intellectual and ethical considerations. Attention was paid to the problems of the Internet in the era of globalization, the common home of all people, which is the object of human concern for sustainable development. There is also an important issue of the TECHNOLOGY of integrated EDUCATION - humanity and everything that surrounds it is a unity, and nature is not something separate. The role of education in shaping an awareness of possible international dialogue in the issue of re-established ecology is also underlined. Modern technology in education is not an action aimed at completely stopping human interference in nature and preserving it in an absolutely intact state, but a harmonious coexistence and joint development of a man together with the world around him. It is primarily a new lifestyle, a positive use of information technology for solidarity between people and the resulting new attitude to nature. The competences belonging to the imagination of information technology undoubtedly include skills such as: anticipating the technological and Internet effects of the actions undertaken, the ability to see and integrate human connections, school education and IT processes and design activities with the requirements of technological knowledge. It is nowadays that it is a call to the proper attitude of man towards the world around him

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