Dylematy opracowania zbiorów kartograficznych – Na przykładzie Biblioteki Wydziału Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytetu Śląskiego


Cataloguing and indexing cartographic collections can be a great challenge for cataloguing librarians. Cataloguing this category of documents is a difficult and laborious activity due to the particular character of these documents, their variety, the necessity of expert terminology and the adjustment of current praxis of cataloguing and indexing cartographic collections in local libraries to the guidelines of Polish standard and instructions of use of format MARC21. The article presents the dilemmas that appear in the cataloguing process on the example of Library of Faculty of Earth Sciences of University of Silesia. Resources of cartographic documents in the Library of Faculty of Earth Sciences were catalogued and indexed in Bibmap programme. It is planned to catalogue this type of documents in integrated library system consisting in shared cataloguing with use of format MARC21. The article deliberates upon advantages and disadvantages of both methods and presents the conclusions deriving from practical use of these methods

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