Proces twórczy w resocjalizacji nieletnich w środowisku otwartym na przykładzie technik teatralizacyjnych


This study concentrates on the use and development of creative potential of the minors from the Attendance Centre. The main inspiration for the reflection on the creative social rehabilitation work was the concept of creative resocialization. The research performed for the needs of the study was a pedagogical individualizing experiment and is also described in the present paper. It consisted in the introduction of an experimental factor in the form of drama workshops into the existing education process and made it possible to observe changes occurring as a result of this experiment. The author tried to find the answer to the question of whether and how the creative process will influence the self-perception, self-creation, self-reflection, social functioning and emotional competencies of minors. Initial and final measurements, performed in the experimental group and in the control group, demonstrated that the application of theatricalization techniques and the activation of creative process were justified. The results of these activities are considered in an individual dimension and show a certain progress and pedagogical profits. A satisfying result of the theater work was the performance with the participation of minors. It constituted an important part of the study

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