EurEnDel - European Energy Delphi


EurEnDel is the first Europe-wide Delphi study on Energy, entrusted by the European Commission DG Research. EurEnDel assesses long-term developments in energy technologies, their potentials and expected impacts. The perspective taken combines a technology push with a social pull approach, embracing a time horizon of 30 years. The liberalisation of the energy sector, the increasing amount of trans-national research as well as rapid technology developments challenge today's innovation systems and demand a greater integration and cohesion into EU-wide innovation strategies. EurEnDel employs a Union-wide Delphi survey to cover the need for reliable information on long-term trends and developments, which will then be presented in form of scenarios as guiding lines for future research priorities. Thus this paper provides the rationale and design of the foresight study as well as some preliminary results

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