Hildegarda iz Bingena - temporalna epileptičarka, genijalna žena ili oboje?


In order to throw some new light upon the work and personality of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), the famous medieval visionary and philosopher, this article interpretes her writings from a particular point of view, examining the possibility that Hildegard suffered from the temporal-lobe epilepsy. The hypothesis was created on the basis of a symptom analysis, using modern neuropsychiatric approaches but considering historical specificities, as well. The symptoms considered are of interictal character (changes in sexual behavior, increased religiosity, heightened experience of emotions, viscosity of personality, hypergraphia, and, the most important, hallucinations). Are these characteristics sufficient for considering somebody, a temporal-lobe epileptic? How many minds were characterized by these " symptoms"and still revolutionized the course of the history? Can the case of Hildegard be compared to the background of St. Paul's and Mohammed's theological-ethical systems? These and other questions of importance for both our medical and cultural concepts are discussed in this paper suggesting the possibility of a modern analytical approach to historical document

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