
Otvaranjem kardiokirurškog odjela u KBC-u Rijeka jasno je definirana potreba brzog dobivanja osnovnih laboratorijskih nalaza za uspješnost liječenja. Ovaj cilj ostvarili smo uvoðenjem organizacijskih promjena u laboratorijskoj službi i postavljanjem brzog mjernog ureðaja u operacijsku dvoranu, koji u vremenu od nekoliko minuta može izdati laboratorijske nalaze za osnovne hematološke i biokemijske parametre. U ovom radu prikazali smo kvalitetu ovakvog laboratorijskog rada, usporeðujuæi nalaze dobivene na aparatu u dvorani sa usporedno izvr¹enim nalazima u centralnome medicinsko- biokemijskom laboratoriju, dobivenim primjenom drugih aparata i drugih laboratorijskih metoda. Nalaz visoke korelacije izmeðu ovih mjerenja za razlièite analitièke parametare (Na, K, pH, pO2, pCO2, hemoglobin, hematokrit), naglasio je pouzdanost brze analize krvi na aparatu u dvorani i njezinu korisnost u odreðenim urgentnim stanjima.Faster laboratory data during cardiac surgery operations are necessary for more rapid treatment of the patient and fewer clinical complications. We implemented clinical chemistry analyzer in operation room in order to perform urgent laboratory tests (potassium, sodium, pH, pO2, pCO2, hemoglobin, hematocrit) during cardiac surgery operations. Successful implementation required a new organization of laboratory work and new set of skills and jobs for laboratory. Internal quality control, accuracy of results and compatibility with central laboratory results are checked daily and some off these results are reported in this work showing a high coefficient of correlation and accuracy of results, as well as accessibility and speed. Point-of care testing (POCT) or Ònearpatient Ó testing allows for diagnostic assays to be performed at the site of patient care delivery so that laboratory data are more readily available to clinicians. Cost-benefit analysis are still to be evaluated, but faster turnaround times can only lead to more rapid treatment of the patient. Point-of-care testing (POCT) has the potencial to expand further by increasing the accessibility, speed and accuracy of results

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